
Ginny P

Hello Olga

I don`t usually write letters to people but in this instance I felt it necessary, your painting of my grandchildren was incredible

I don`t know how you do it, it must be a gift I suppose. I will be telling all my friends about you and hope I can get you some more deserved work.

Keep it up.

Love Ginny P

Jon Hector @ Rubens Motors

Hi Olga

Thank you for your painting of my dog Ben, it is an excellent likeness, I may for Xmas ask you to paint my mums dog Sam, depending on my budget.

Thank you for your lovely work.

Jon Hector @ Rubens Motors X

Trevor@ B2B Copier Solutions

Hi Olga

I was blown away at your dry brush portrait of my mum Edith. Just WOW superb job.

Trevor@ B2B Copier Solutions

Lesley McLoughlin

Hi Olga,
Thanks for bringing your paintings to my Father’s house. I have seen them and I am delighted with them. They are a present for one of my brother’s 60th birthday from his family and it’s been quite a while for us to find something he really wanted. My brother was born in Manchester and now lives in Spain and so he really wanted some art work for his apartment relating to Manchester to remind him of his real home. Your work was perfect!

In our search, we came across a couple of your paintings in the Colin Jellicoe gallery in Manchester and we liked them so much that we investigated your website, it was then my brother came across the paintings he really wanted and so we ordered them online that night.

Thank you very much, you are very talented.
Best wishes, Lesley McLoughlin.

Susan Walker

Dear Olga,

Roz and Andrew her husband, were delighted with the portrait which you painted so well.  They admired the likeness and were very surprised to receive the gift for their Christmas present. Thank you so much for doing an excellent painting.  With every best wish for the New Year,


Many thanks for the drawing repair! I have got my Mum all framed now! I and my brother are delighted with the result. Thanks again.

Miss June Lee-Hurson

I am writing to thank you for my beautiful Oil painting of the farm, it is very accurate and so full of minute details that I notice more every day, I would like for you to paint my sisters horse Max for me as a present next month as I am very taken with your eye for detail and passion for the subjects that you paint. I will contact you soon with a picture of him and please let me know if the image is clear enough.


I don’t usually send complementary letters to people but felt compelled as I was absolutely astounded with your dry brush portrait of my son Marcus, how do you do that, its quite amazing. I have seen your demo on you tube and its great! I do dabble in art and paint the odd watercolor from time to time but that’s in another league! Once again a big thanks you for your hard work and I will tell all my friends about you as you deserve to sell hundreds of these fab paintings.

Sarah Jameson

Absolutely stunning! My dad was so pleased with his portrait of Towser he has put it in the study.
We have two other spaniels that live with us and will probably want them painted in the same way next, I have read your section on Dry Brush painting and it seems quite complex, but so effective, I hope to talk soon regarding our other two dogs.

Patricia Wood

I’ve been watching your Michael Jackson dry brush oil portrait since returning home from the Oldham Parish Church open evening. It is beautiful – such stunning work!I’m definitely going to have another go with this technique – I just love the realistic results!I’ve enjoyed working with oils since last September when I did an oil painting portrait course so I am hooked on oils at the moment although I do love to try a variety of mediums.Thank you very much for your advice – I’ll let you know how I go on with my attempts!