Exhibition at Masa Gallery

  • September 10, 2014
  • Olgas Lomax
  • 0

My paintings for the exhibition were chosen purposely as they have a mixed subject matter. I think everyone found a picture that appeals to their heart. It might be a particular expression of movement or a range of colours, shapes which has made the invisible connection with them.

It doesn’t matter what the subject matter is, what`s most important is the atmosphere, mood and message the picture reveals.

My paintings are reflections of nature, places and memories. By using a combination of these references they can fully manifest themselves into recognizable objects.

The space created by an artist does not have to resemble a real space, but can represent an emotion or experience. Depth, dimension and space, or the illusion of these is often what allows viewers to feel they can enter into a drawing, making it all the more personal. I attempt to maintain an open-ended dialogue with the viewer.

I was very happy to meet a lot of my friends, my customers and friends of my friends who came to see my work. It was a really exciting and fun time for me. Thank you everyone who joined me on this lovely day. You all have inspired me greatly.

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God bless you.

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